Women’s Clinic in Afghanistan

Thanks to my friend Andrew, I got sent this link about a women’s clinic in Afghanistan. How amazing is that? 3 female soldiers have begun a free clinic in Paktika, Afghanistan, to help the local women who are too impoverished to afford the healthcare they need.

I am so impressed, and I absolutely cannot wait to read more!

05/21/2009. Tags: , , , . Uncategorized. 2 comments.


Over at Feministing (no, I won’t ever get tired of linking to them), they’ve decided to do a list of Feminist Overrated/Underrated things. I absolutely love this idea–go check out the original post for details, and the story of the guy that started it. (I have to admit I almost snarfed coffee on my monitor when I read “anal sex”… I can’t help but crush a little on any dude that feels that way.)

So here’s my list, so far…


  1. Sarah Palin (what? You didn’t expect that?)
  2. Suicide Girls (ask me about it sometime)
  3. Sexualization/romanticizing of abuse (see the Chris Brown/Rihanna case for more. I’ll blog on that soon, actually!)
  4. Fetishization of virginity/”slut” shaming


  1. Woman owned sex shops
  2. Male feminists (Cheers!)
  3. Comedy as a social change mechanism (I love you, Tina Fey and Amy Poehler)
  4. Everyday acts of feminism! You know, those little things we do that will never make headlines–changing our own oil, painting something amazing, standing up against sexist language, buying Plan B to keep on hand in case we or someone we know ever needs it, helping nurture a friend’s positive self image, etc.

I have a feeling I’m going to want to revamp this a thousand times over. As Courtney predicted, it will take over your brain. It’s fun to think about, though, because it gets me considering feminism and feminist issues from a really different perspective than usual.

05/07/2009. Tags: . Uncategorized. Leave a comment.